Thursday, 2 August 2012


Right, so fans of this band will probably know that there's been a countdown on Dir En Grey's website. Well, today it hit 0 and it's the ANNOUNCEMENT OF A NEW SINGLE. As you can see (well, read), I am INCREDIBLY excited and this is the best piece of news this year so far. They are and will be my favourite band for ever and I can't wait to hear their new style.

As much as I love their deathcore-esque music, I really hope they don't just go heavier in this new single, which has been happening really since WTD. I'm really curious as to how Kyo's voice will sound after his problem, and whether the others will keep the same style and instruments from Dum Spiro Spero.

For those curious, 'Rinkaku' means 'outlines' in English, but knowing Dir En Grey, it's probably got a different meaning.

1 comment:

  1. so Pumped about this song like to no extent. Im so glad that they are coming back yet again with this. I'm ecstatic!!!! Long live Diru! <3

